-By Lisa
Wintertime means exile for me. Glorious, self-imposed exile.
I stay home - lighting candles, making hearty soups and buckwheat heating pads and reading mountains of books. I look out the window at the beautifully dull grey light, then close up the shutters and delight in my quiet seclusion.
But on Sunday night I broke my wintertime isolation and ventured out.
And it was awesome.
We attended the Vusi Mahlasela concert at the Jefferson. If you are not familiar with Vusi, you only need to know that his devoted followers from South Africa and all over the rest of the world refer to him - simply and reverentially - as "The Voice."
Opening up for Vusi was Morwenna Lasko and Jay Pun, incredibly talented local musicians who blew my mind and made me feel true remorse for the fact that I can't play the violin.
Live music is good for the soul.
As we were out, having a tasty (and inexpensive) pre-show meal at Cinema Taco, walking hand-in-hand along the bustling Downtown Mall, unexpectedly running into friends and feeling the excitement and anticipation a live performance -- I was reminded of how fun "out" is. I noticed something else. Art! Music! Culture! All happening here in my community!
So, while home is where my heart is, I also realize that our hip little college town has some opportunities that I’d be a fool to pass on.
Here are some upcoming events things that make me want to pry myself out of my house and hit the town.
(And then I get to come right back home again.)
Viva C’ville!
Randy Newman - March 1st at the Paramount. He is the guy behind all those songs in Toy Story and Monsters, Inc. that made the grown ups cry.
Ra Ra Riot - March 4th at the Jefferson. Great Indi Rock fun. Prepare to jump up and down.
Maltese Falcon - March 7th at the Paramount. If you haven’t seen a movie at the Paramount – now’s the time to see a classic. And only $6!
Ladysmith Black Mambazo - March 16th at the Paramount. They combine traditional South African spiritual tunes with some gospel beats all put together to promote peace and love. (You know Paul Simon’s Graceland? He worked with these folks on it.)
Festival of the Book - March 16 - 20th . It’s my favorite C'ville event of the year (tied with the Vegetarian Festival) Too many wonderful events to list. Just go check out the site.
Cirque de Soleil’s Alegria - March 30 - April 3rd at the John Paul Jones Arena. Go be jealous/freaked out by those amazingly bendy people.
Toad the Wet Sprocket - April 10th at the Jefferson. I miss the early 90’s. I must still have some flannel around here somewhere...
David Sedaris - April 11th at the Martin Luther King Jr. Performing Arts Center. The only thing more hilarious than reading David Sedaris, is being read to by David Sedaris. I saw him a couple years ago. My abs still ache.
Wild & Scenic Film Festival - April 13th at the Paramount. A fun way to celebrate our beautiful planet for earth week!
Six Degrees of Separation - May 20 - June 19 at Live Arts. Wonderful play about race, class, sexuality and what connects us all. And it’s more than just the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
For more from Lisa, check out www.justherejustnow.com
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