I was looking at Facebook the other day and saw that even Anthony Bourdain was making an end-of-the year list. And he didn’t know why he was doing it either, except that at the end of the year, people tend to take stock in the form of numbered sentences.
I love numbered sentences as much as the next gal (maybe even a little more) - so I'll join in the fun. Here is a list of things in the C'ville/simple/sustainable world this past year that I found interesting in one way or another. Feel free to add your own personal favs to my list.
1. We need to talk
Some mainstream media folks were talking about simplifying this year. This Forbes article about downsizing came out just as Husband and I were voluntarily slashing our square footage. It was very helpful in explaining that choice to some of our more "traditional" critics.
2. SunChips Bag Fail
And I’m still pissed about it.
3. "Corn sugar"
Alright, Public, we aren’t stupid enough to fall for this smoke and mirrors marketing trick. We won't buy into the idea that high-fructose corn syrup is O.K. now that it’s called sweet little harmless “corn sugar.” We aren't going to just ignore that Princeton study with all those obese rats, are we? Wait – are we??
4. CASPCA lights up
When I thought I couldn’t love our local no-kill animal shelter more, they installed solar panels.
5. No class
Another important article this year was this Newsweek piece on food and class in America. It’s an interesting and uncomfortable must-read.
6. Meet yet Eats
Our local event got much bigger this year, with 18 farms participating. Townies came out in droves to learn about local sustainable farming practices and support Virginia agriculture. And I got to hold a baby chicken, so that’s really all I needed to have a great day.
7. Man's new best friend?
We can now have goats in Charlottesville! What a great town. But just cuz it's legal, doesn't mean I have my own herd (yet) so I must settle for spending hours in front of the Beekman boys goat cam. It’s a goat cam, people. Come on.
8. Crying over spilled oil
The Deepwater Horizon was the biggest U.S.oil spill ever. Five million barrels of oil gushed into the ocean between April and July. It was environmentally catastrophic and I don't even know what to say about that.
9. C'ville breathes
Jon Kabat-Zinn came to town to conduct a meditation retreat and brought some well-deserved attention to the UVA mindfulness center.
10. Genetically engineered salmon
Ah, Frankenfish. You grow super fast and freak me out. Let's stop screwing with DNA, lest we end up mid-horror film.
11. Smithfield sucks
There have been issues for years surrounding the Smithfield factory and their treatment of workers, which leads one to wonder about the treatment of animals. Well, it’s now officially bad with video proof from the Human Society and details that make your stomach flip. The Humane Society of the United States says that Smithfield has "unacceptable and systemic abuses." Ick. Let’s just hope that Paula Dean takes a wooden spoon to those folks.
12. I got a bread machine
I won’t stop talking about it and you can’t make me - it’s my blog.
Wishing you all a wonderful new year, and all the best for a peaceful, productive 2011!!
For more from Lisa, check out www.justherejustnow.com
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